Sunday, September 12, 2010

Post-Vacation Thoughts

I recently got back from a short vacation to Hawaii with a couple friends. We did what three guys would do on vacation: relax, bond, eat, drink, and act stupid at times. I also personally spent a lot of time thinking about my life... the past, the present, but not so much about the future because I learned in life that no matter how hard you try to plan out your future, life doesn't really work out the way you intended.

Anyways, one very broad conclusion I came to is that I waste a lot of time and energy in a lot of different ways. It could be anything from wasting energy on meaningless "friendships" or wasting time by thinking too much about "relationships" or never getting around to doing that one thing I always told myself I'd do. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that I think way too much about things and somehow end up justifying my wasting-time-actions. I know I'm being pretty vague here but I don't really want to get into the specifics or give examples supporting my thoughts. The conclusion is that I'm trying to be more straightforward, open, and stop wasting so much time on meaningless, mundane tasks.

So the first couple things I did when I got back? I signed up for Mandarin I class at the UC Berkeley Extension and I also signed up for the CFA Level II Test for June 2011. I signed up for the test for 2010 but didn't even end up taking the exam because... well, I wasted a lot of time and never got around to studying for it... I honestly don't know how or if I'll be able to squeeze all this in while trying to keep up with my physical activities so wish me luck.

On a side note: A girl told me I'm TOO nice. I believe her exact words were "You're TOO nice. You'd be hotter if you were a dick." I've considered switching to dick-mode but I'm not sure that's a good idea. If I end up being dickish to you and you don't like it, I apologize in advance.